Clive Christian - Sign the Contract

  • Feb 25, 2022
  • By Dave Skye

It was a dark summer night. John walked out the door wondering what went wrong in the meeting. He had nailed every conceivable question they had, and he knew they should have signed the deal, but they had to reconvene for a later date. The representative from Chase Accounts needed more time.

John got the keys of his car off the desk and proceeded to the elevators.

“Don’t forget Carol will be stopping by the office at 10am tomorrow, Mr. Wilkins”, Jessica informed John with fingers typing furiously on the keyboard.

“Will do”, John responded.

As he approached the elevator, two of his staff were heading the same way.

“Calling it a day, Mr. Wilkins. We need some guidance on this if you can spare a minute.”

“Shoot. What do you guys need?” John always seemed to inspire his staff at the automobile design company.

“We need to give the section a unique edge or curvature, we have been coming up with unique spins to the taillight curves and we are thinking this might be the best. We would be making a presentation to the team tomorrow”

John looked at them briefly, “Five minutes then I got to go”. John headed to the nearby desk with the flat drawing board.

“What you got?” The two staff looked at each other as if to suggest someone take the lead.

Dixon took the draft drawings and proceeded to the desk.

“We are thinking this section should curve out all the way to this point with intermittent breaks in the middle that gives the impression of separated droplets.”

John looked at the drawings. “Great approach, I like it but how about attaching the droplets with a stringlike feature, so it gives it a festival of lights effect”

Dixon looked at Casper and smiled.

That’s exactly the twist we need to make this a wow factor. Casper and Dixon looked at their boss. “Pretty Darn cool, Mr. Wilkins. Thanks, we will see you tomorrow” They hurdled back to their section of the large office to burn the late-night hours.

John keyed in his badge to access the elevators.

He was on the 9th floor. He tapped the button that led to the parking garage.

As he headed to the coupe, he kept wondering why he didn’t close the deal in the meeting. While in thought his mobile device began to ring.

Just as he picks up the call, he enters the car and starts the keyless ignition.

The car synchs with his phone and the sound on the other end came alive.

“Sorry Mr. Wilkins to disturb you at this time, but I had to get back to you because I was distracted at the meeting. I know this might sound strange, but I kept wondering what fragrance you had on because I thought I had smelled it before. Rest assured we are signing tomorrow but I would like to know what you had on”

John thought for a while.

“You don’t have to worry about getting the name from me, If you really want the name, then I would have an unopened box for you, but you must meet me now before I leave the office. I have a new one in the car for you. It is hard to come by. When can you make it here?”

“I will meet you in ten” You could tell the twist of excitement in the caller’s voice.

“Make sure the document is signed. See you in ten Mr. Ripley”

He was there in less than ten document in hand and signed.

John looked at Mr. Ripley cars parked at the front entrance of the Riken Building.

Many people ask, “what fragrance suits me?” but really, they should ask what fragrance would stir my soul. Everyone has a unique bond of knowing that comes with different fragrances. This one chose you Mr. Ripley.

Do you have the documents? 

“It’s all in the case, signed and ready to go”

John reached across the window into the glove compartment and pulled out the cologne. Some people also ask, “what cologne does Harry Styles wear?” What I would rather they ask is “What cologne is made just for me”

“Ripley this is yours. It's a Clive Christian” and you would do more with this in a day than you would ever do in a year. Spray it and watch.

And let me get your job done!




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